Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Path

I'm rejoicing this afternoon over the path I don't have to take right now...the biopsies came back and all is well. No cancer, no pre-cancer, nothing abnormal.

I've had lots of time to think these past few weeks. I might have had cancer, and I had to look that possibility in the eye.

I'm too emotionally worn out this afternoon to write much.
I feel like I can't thank the Lord enough
I want to never take my health for granted again
I want to be diligent to keep myself healthy as much as possible
I don't want to miss one moment with those I love
I want to live, and I mean really live...doing exactly what I was created to do, being exactly who I was created to be

And I want to stop typing and just play with George for the rest of the day. :)

1 comment:

  1. Praise Jesus! That's wonderful news!

    Rejoicing with you,
