Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Tonight an old song came to mind as I rocked George to sleep. I didn't think I knew all the words until I started singing it. The words came to me, as well as a rush of memories.

I didn't grow up part of a local church. We visited some but weren't regularly tied in to any. My parents knew of a ministry called World MAP (Missionary Assistance Plan), and every summer this ministry had a week long family camp. I think I maybe missed one or two my entire 18 years at home. I'm sure it accounts for my love of missions and my heart for various nations. Every year that week grew more important to me, and I can honestly say much of my belief system today is due to things I learned during that family camp.

As I sang tonight I could almost smell the lodge up at Warm Beach (where the camp was held). I could clearly see the room that the teens met in and I could remember how I felt as I learned to worship the Lord among my peers. I could hear the voices around me; some people to whom I'm still close, others I've lost touch with. I could picture an entire week of fun, friendships, late nights, early mornings, camping, growth, change and so much more.

When I look back on that season of life it is full of nostalgia for me. The Melodi of that time was a dreamer, young, naive, full of the hope of adventure, outgoing, trusting, rather untested in trials, unfamiliar with sorrow, and unrealistic in several aspects. The Melodi who sang this song all those years ago was different than the one who sang it tonight. I've lived some life, walked through some sorrow, experienced deep joy, accomplished some things, failed some things.

Tonight, the words meant so much more than they ever have before. I see things differently after 15+ years of life. I'm sure I'll see things differently after the next 15. But one thing stays the same:

The Lord thy God
In the midst of thee
Is mighty, is mighty.

And I saw Him
High and lifted up
With power and strength and authority.

And He shall reign
In the midst of thee
Forever and ever amen

He is with me. Always. Right here in my midst. And He has everything I need. He is everything I need. And He never changes.

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of fond memories from camp too, friend. Even though I didn't attend as many years as you, it is where I really began to plant my feet on the ROCK that is Jesus. It is where I met the love of my life and it is where I cultivated friendships that will last a lifetime. Love you Melodi! :)
