Monday, November 2, 2009


George is becoming more affectionate. He's always been a cuddler, hugger kinda guy but I'm noticing a little change. He's beginning to initiate things. Instead of waiting for me to say, "Can you give Dada a kiss?" He is starting to go for it on his own.

Tonight I was given another treasure from this little man.

I was rocking him to sleep at his 2nd nap and singing like I always do. I have this funny repertoire of songs that I go through each time. I start with Keith Green's version of Ps. 23 (which I've sang to him about 3 times a day since he was born...not sure why it just was in my spirit when he was born I guess). Then I go to an old Vineyard song "All Who Are Thirsty". Then I meander to whatever comes to mind next. Most of the time they are oldies that I sang at a family camp I went to every summer with a ministry called World MAP. Lots of times my mind wanders as I'm singing to him and I'm thinking of things that the song brings to my remembrance, or I'm worshiping the Lord and spending some time with Him.

I was singing "Holy And Anointed One" when I realized George was almost asleep but wanting to give me a kiss. I of course didn't argue and let him kiss me. Then a few minutes later he again put his sweet face to mine and gave me a kiss. He wasn't playing or messing around, he was drowsy and nearly sleeping so I started paying attention to what I was singing. I went through the song again and when I got to the very end, the little sweetheart again gave me a kiss. His cue was the phrase, "Jesus, I love you, I love you."

It brought tears to my eyes when I realized what he was doing. I tested it again tonight and the exact same thing happened.

Like I've written before, I'm trying to hear the voice of the Lord during the day in the ordinary places. I'm pretty sure He is letting me know how precious in His sight are these little ones. And how precious it is to Him when we take time out to worship and honor Him from our own homes, during our own time, when we're doing our own thing.

And of course, He was probably telling me once again that I've got a special little fella on my hands. A little worshiper who will love the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength...which is what I pray over him every day.

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